It's the Season of Giving - Part V
Carry on my wayward Son, Carry on…
Christmas Day celebrations have ended. Christmas trees have been taken down, the decorations are put away, the leftover food has all been eaten and people have returned to their full-time jobs. But that doesn’t mean that the season of giving must come to an end.
Celebrating Christmas is more than just one day, the season is meant to be celebrated all year long. All the good cheer, love and kindness that was just shared a few days ago, needs to be paid forward every day to those people around you. Your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers and the people you run into every day.
Spreading good cheer and tidings and hope are not just to be shared during one season, but to be shared in all seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. It’s that time of year to make new memories, to cherish the old memories and to not let all the good changes you’ve made be in haste just because the year is coming to an end.
My focus on starting this weekly blog, was to help and encourage everyone to help find their #healthhappiness. To motivate and inspire everyone along this path to find their successes in everything they do to achieve that goal. This season has inspired me to reach out to do so much more, along with staying focused on my own path towards #healthhappiness, I hope I can reach out to those who are still struggling with their own obstacles in their paths. Reaching your #healthhappiness means so much more than just losing weight and staying active. It also means keeping your minds and hearts active.
Having an open mind clears the path towards becoming and maintaining that “inner” and “outer” peace of happiness and humbleness you so desire. Until we can achieve our own successes, we won’t be able to reach out to those around us who are still trying to find theirs.
The end of the year brings out for most people new beginnings, new hopes, new dreams and new goals to achieve. For others it can be a time of sadness. Remembering loved ones who have passed, a friend who has suffered an illness, and our own struggles from the past year. They can weigh such a heavy burden to endure on our hearts, that we can lose sight of what was really important through the year.
We go through life it seems at times, with a lot of regrets. Wishing we could turn back the clock and live the year over again, the last month, the last ten years, our whole life. But if we keep looking back to how we wished we lived our lives, we will be missing out on the life that we can be living today, tomorrow, next month and next year.
Throw away those new year resolution lists you wrote down. Instead, start your own “Bucket List” of what you can achieve today. Don’t wait another year to get started on what you say you are going to do or change, and do them now. Make one little change every day, say one kind word every day. Don’t worry about the big stuff, all the little stuff you do every day will take care of those worries.
Don’t think about the future with trying to fulfill all your resolutions that you may never fulfill, but think about your future in days and focus on what you know you can fulfill. It is one day at a time, one hug at a time, one conversation at a time, one healthy meal at a time, one change at a time. If you try to look too far ahead, you will miss the sunrises and the sunsets in between.
Start a bucket list every day for what matters to you most. Check off that list on a daily basis, not a yearly basis. Make the changes you want to make now. You never know what the future holds for you, so making resolutions don’t work, because you never know what will happen. The best we can do is to live each day the way that we want to, not the way that we need to.
Your #healthhappiness journey starts with the “whole” you. From head to toe, from mind to heart, from sight to smell and from soul to faith. Your journey starts today. You have nothing to lose except maybe some weight, stress, sadness, weakness and boredom! Now that sounds like a bucket list to me!
Let’s all get focused on transforming ourselves into our new “MEs”. Lets all have the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Keep the spirit of the Christmas season alive all year long in your every day lives. You know you can do it, you were meant to do it, for your physical, mental and spiritual health, you need to do it!
Cheers to a New Year, Cheers to YOU!
Carry on my wayward son, they'll be Peace when you are done; lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more...
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