…And What About All That “Sass”??? …
Your Weight loss journey is not all about that glamour and glitz at the end of the trip. Yes, you will feel amazingly great, and yes, you will look absolutely awesome, and yes, you will want to celebrate, and of course you should! But the glamour and glitz are just what shows on the outside, what’s the most important is how you feel on the inside!
Your journey is not gonna be glitzy, or easy, or even all that “Sassy”. There is no easy way to lose weight. There is no glamour pill that will shred those pounds. Just honest-to-goodness hard work. Lifestyle changes, menu changes, shopping changes. You name it, it’s all part of the journey to weight loss success.
Some days, I wanna give it all the Sass I can. Sass off that diet. Sass off that exercise, Sass off that No I can’t eat that. But in the end, all we really want is to be happy and healthy. So, Sass all you want people, it won’t get you anywhere!

Nothing worth achieving, even our own health happiness goals is ever easy or glamorous. All the ads and fads don’t represent the “real woman or man”. They represent the glitz and glamorous versions, that they think we should all be like. Reality people, we are all not born to be or look the same.
As long as we are healthy, fit and happy both mentally and physically, then that is the way we should all be portrayed as.

My “Sass off” to all of you who simply “get it” and want to reach your goals! You got it goin on inside and out! Let’s kick the “Sass” out of our journey’s!
Whose in for a good “Sass-Kickin”? You in???