Looking for interaction, connection, significance, and community? Seek and you shall find!
You are not alone on your quest. We all want to have and feel that connection with others. To have that acceptance no matter who we are, or what we believe in, or what we look like.
Accepting who we are and loving ourselves is the first step to finding that interaction, connection, significance, and community.

With all the social media out there, it isn’t very hard to just hide behind your computer all day, away from the world and others. But hiding behind a screen is not the real you. Interaction from behind the scenes is o.k. sometimes, but do not let it become your full-time life!
We all need those “Human Interactions” to keep our minds and bodies happy! You won’t find your own health happiness behind a computer monitor.

reciprocal action or influence. "ongoing interaction between humans”
Similar: communication or direct involvement with someone or something.
Similar: contact – relations, connection, association, communion, intercourse, socializing, social intercourse, social contact, social relations.
Seek and ye shall find that interaction you need in your life. Come out of your shell, stop hiding.

a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else. "the connections between social attitudes and productivity"
Seek and ye shall find that connection you need in your life. Come out of your shell, be yourself, find that interaction with others you so desperately need, stop hiding.

the quality of being worthy of attention; importance, significant.
Seek and ye shall find that significance you need in your life. Come out of your shell, be yourself, do something significant, find that interaction and connection with others, stop hiding.

a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Seek and ye shall find that community is so important to have in your life. Come out of your shell, be yourself, find that interaction and connection with others, do something significant, find that community you are longing for, stop hiding.
These four words may be simple words, but the meaning behind the words is ever so powerful. Seek and ye shall find…… YOURSELF…….
Do not let that computer screen define your life!
Look for interaction, connection, significance, and community – it’s right there out in the open, not on a computer screen – it always has been!
Seek and ye shall find…YOURSELF ….