It's time to get your "Spring" on! By that, I mean Spring has Sprung and it's time to "spring" into action and get your body moving outdoors!
No more winter blues, no more excuses that it is too cold outside, no more couch potatoes, and no more dreaming of warmer weather! No more excuses, it is the season of change and it's "happening" whether you want it to or not!
We need to embrace the change. Just like the seasons change from one to another, so does our mental and physical attitudes and well-being. Like a caterpillar emerges from its cocoon every season into a beautiful butterfly. We need to accept our role in nature and realize that we can change into beautiful self-confident human beings as well!
Change is an attitude, and we all might benefit just a little bit more once we embrace the new season that is upon us! Fly out into the world with a new -found confidence and a "spring" in your step! Motivate your friends and family and experience the great outdoors together.
Just like your favorite T.V. shows are ending for the season, and won't return until the Fall, our new season is upon us as well. Put those boots away and store those winter jackets in the closet. Time to bring out the sneakers and yoga pants and get yourself moving, moving, moving!
Make a list of favorite parks or hiking trails you want to visit this year. Hang it on the refrigerator for everyone to see as a daily reminder to get outdoors and explore! We have so many state and national parks in our country that are just beautiful this time of year. Get excited to visit a handful this year. Do you like to kayak or swim? There are so many wonderful places to explore for those activities as well. Try something new! When was the last time you rode a bike or paddled in a canoe? So many choices to get outdoors and move your body! Breathe in some fresh air and get away from that T.V. and tablet and phone and computer! Your body is crying out for activity - feed the need and give in already!
If you haven't been active in a while, start out with a nice short walk, bring a frisbee and a nice healthy picnic and explore what you have been missing out on! Nature at its best with a side of refreshing, renewable, energy for your heart and soul and body!

Don't forget about our furry friends! If you have a dog, remember they have been inside from the cold too, and they very much want to explore the outdoors with you as well. It's good for our bones, our muscles, our brains and our hearts to release ourselves to mother nature. Let's get back to nature and move our tired, winter bound bodies into action!

Spring forward today! Get off your butts and move the party outdoors! Outdoor air never smelled so good!
So many places to explore, so little time. What are you waiting for? Spring ahead! Time to get your Spring on starts now! Where will you go?