Birthdays are a reason to Celebrate! On behalf of everyone’s birthday this year – Happy Birthday to you all! It doesn’t matter if it is passed, present or in the future everyone’s birthday is a reason to celebrate!
They are a reason to reflect and celebrate everything that you have accomplished in the past. They are a reason to reflect and celebrate what you are accomplishing today, and they are a reason to reflect and celebrate on what you are about to accomplish in your future! Congrats to us all!

You are a gift to the world. You were put in this world to make a difference! To share your talents and gifts with others. Every year you live is another year to make that difference, to make this world a better place. To leave this world on your last birthday better than when you entered it.
Birthdays are a reason to be thankful. They are the reason that two people will come together and create the best birthday present of all! – YOU!
My reason for celebrating this particular day – August 14th – was the day "My own Daughter Breanna" was brought into this world. One of the happiest days of my life! I have never felt so blessed and thankful to bring a 5-pound 14 ounce, (one month early) healthy baby girl into this world! It was on this day 25 years ago today we created this gift. (Wow! She is already a ¼ of a century old)!
Her beauty from within and beautiful smile has enriched our lives with true happiness every year since. She continues to be a gift and make a difference in our lives every. single. day!
We have all created gifts to share with the world. Every. Single. One. Of. Us. Has something wonderful to share and bring to the world.

How can we make a difference? How can we share our talents and gifts? By being true to ourselves and others. “In a world where you can be anything be Yourself”. The best birthday gift in life you can give to someone else is being there for them, throughout your life. Being there for them when they are happy, being there when they are sad, and just being there period.
Celebrating a “Birth” Day every day is the best gift you could ever give and receive.
Make this “Birth Day” the best celebration day you can ever have because you may not get another chance to celebrate. Find your health happiness and share the success and love with everyone around you! Make your birthday this year count!

Whether you are celebrating one years old this year, or one hundred years old this year, each day matters. Live the life you were meant to live. Make a difference in someone’s life, make a difference in your own life. Make a difference in the world!
Be there, Be present, Be You…