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What is a Bucket List?

Updated: Aug 15, 2024

What is a “Bucket List”?

This particular day is important to me. It was my Mother’s Birthday. She passed away from Brain Cancer on New Year’s Eve. I promised myself that year, on this day I would try to do at least one thing on my bucket list each year in memory of her death and of her birth.

Have I accomplished or achieved anything on that list? I like to think that I have accomplished a few things, yes! I still have a few things to accomplish on that list, but each year I get closer to scratching off what I promised myself I would do. It can be a challenge, and I wonder to myself if I will ever achieve everything I want to do in my life. I try to think of it as not so much as doing things I have always wanted to do or see, but making changes in my every day life, towards getting closer to achieving those hopes and dreams.

What does a bucket list mean?



A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. A list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying.”

Is making a bucket list really that simple? It can be, if you focus on the things that matter the most to you!

Making a bucket list is easy. You simply start writing down the things that you’ve always wanted to do but that you never got around to doing. Keep it simple. The key of course is to simply start writing the first things that come into your head with no consideration of whether you should or shouldn’t want to do a particular thing. By writing exactly what comes into your head you are being true to your inner-being, and being honest with yourself is the most important thing of all.

Everyone’s “Bucket List” is unique. It should be filled with your hopes and dreams and of things you want to accomplish in your life. It doesn’t have to be for the current year, but it can be for your lifetime to achieve and accomplish! Just take one day at a time, one month at a time, one year at a time.

If you have dreamed of traveling the world, it doesn’t have to be just a dream. Traveling the world can mean a trip down a street in your town you have never traveled before. It can mean exploring a park in your neighborhood you have never visited before. It can mean taking a day out on a lake you have been wanting to discover, or relaxing at a beach you have always wanted to see!

Traveling the world can be what you make it! Start making a list of places you have always wanted to visit in your own state, in your own town, or even in another country. The places you will go, and the people you will meet right around the corner will be just as wondrous and fulfilling as traveling the world.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to travel to other parts of the world, go for it! But don’t lose sight of what your bucket list of traveling means to you in the first place. Oh, the places you will go, and the people you will meet!

Your bucket list can change from year to year. Events can happen in your life, you may meet new people, circumstances beyond your control may evolve, and you may need to add or subtract from your list. Don’t worry you are the one who created the list, only you know what you want to achieve. It is for you to fulfill, not anyone else.

Don’t put off tomorrow, what you can achieve today. Sound simple? Sound familiar? It can be simple and familiar if you want it to be.

How about if you create a bucket list to enhance the expansion of your mind, body and soul, rather than wanting material objects and experiences for pleasure alone?

There’s nothing wrong with desiring material objects and fun bucket list activities, but when you focus on enhancing the expansion of your mind, you might just find the inspiration necessary, to achieve them all.

There’s nothing more important than your mental and physical health, when it comes to achieving goals. Get your “Game” on. Get in shape, to get happy! Eating a nutritious diet, exercising and achieving the ideal body weight for you – to feel healthy, full of energy and ready to take on any goal you desire. Becoming more physically active will strengthen your mind, and give you opportunities you never had before! Opportunities to cross off some of those items you wrote in your bucket list.

To achieve your goal, you need to make time for it. Be proactive instead of reactive. Getting your priorities straight will help you achieve your wants, needs and give you the directions to where you want to go. Go out of your comfort zone and take on a new adventure. You’ll be glad you did!

Choosing to be happy sounds obvious, but sadly it’s often at the bottom of a bucket list of things we think will create happiness. The truth is, no matter how many goals you kick, they’ll always be another desire knocking. There’s no end to possible goals, so there’s no point thinking that once you achieve them, you’ll finally be happy.

Live in the moment, the hour, the day and you will find that happiness may not be as far out of reach as you thought. Get through your bucket list with a positive attitude and be the change you want to be!

It’s a brand-New Year - Have you created your life bucket list yet?

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