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Don't Postpone your Happiness for the Future!

Writer's picture: Tips From PipsTips From Pips

Updated: Aug 17, 2024

Don’t Postpone your Happiness for the Future.

Stop looking back on your life thinking you have to fix every little thing that went wrong in the past. Instead focus on creating every little moment of happiness for your future. Why? Because you deserve it, that’s why!

A moment of gratitude makes a lifetime difference in your attitude. Moving forward to gain all the happiness you can makes sense doesn’t it?

Don’t postpone what you have been putting off today for tomorrow or for another minute of your life!

No one is responsible for your happiness except for you. When we were young our parents always wanted to make sure we were happy, and they would do anything to make sure that our happiness came first. It’s really hard as a parent to let go of that as we grow older. Wanting to be part of our lives and continuing to make sure we are alright and happy will never go away. But there comes a time as we become grownups to be responsible for our own happiness, and to stop relying on everyone else to make that happen for us. It is hard letting go as we grow older.

It’s even harder as parents to watch your children make mistakes or make the wrong decisions in their lives. We always want to help and make things all better for them. But the only way for them to grow and learn and make the right decisions, is to let go and let them make wrong decisions.

We all learn from our mistakes; it is in that learning process that we stop making the wrong choices and move on to become happy, individual, strong adults.

To stop postponing your happiness for the future, you have to first stop and ask yourself, o.k. self, what makes me happy? What can I be doing differently in my life to become happier? Does my job make me happy? Does the relationship I am in make me happy? Do my friends make me happy? Is where I am living making me happy?

If you answered No to any of those questions, yes you may be able to still be happy with one sacrifice, but if you answered No to two or more, maybe it is time to take a chance and make a change in your life!

What have you got to lose except for your own piece of mind and your own true happiness? Taking chances to make changes can be very scary. But it is the end result we are all looking to achieve, happiness for today equals happiness for our future. For ourselves, our families and our children.

Sometimes all it takes is putting that last puzzle piece in place to complete the whole picture. Until we do this, we are only living pieces of our lives. We cannot focus on today if we keep looking in the past and worrying about the future. With anxiety comes depression and with depression comes unhappiness.

So, focus on today because the past is gone, and the future is yet to come. Today is a gift that’s why it is called the “present”!

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