Be Fair to yourself most of all. Stop putting yourself down! You have come so far on your health happiness journey, don't give up on yourself now! You deserve that applause at the end of your trip! You deserve that metal around your neck! You deserve all that praise everyone is giving you. So give yourself some too!
Your whole team is there with you cheering you on! Your success depends on how you go from here. Keep the scale in balance. Don't tip the sides one way or the other. Balance is everything. You will reach your goals. You will become that healthier version you envisioned at the beginning of your journey. Don't let all of those miles you have traveled be for nothing!
Don't stop now. Keep going! Your journey is never ending. Play Fair to yourself along the way!
No one ever said it would be easy to climb that mountain. Taking the trip up and learning along the way is what is important. If you have to stop and take a break every now and then, no worries! BE fair to yourself!
Sometimes it takes a whole team to help you with your success, and sometimes all you need is that one friend to help guide you and lift you up along the way!
Find that team, find that one person who can help you on your journey. Don't give up! You can be the change you want to be! You just have to find yourself again and move forward.
Just breathe and observe everything around you! Trust in yourself. That power of accomplishment you are feeling is coming from deep inside you. Don't bury it. Play Fair. Don't Judge. Your true Power is in the feeling and in the knowing that you can do anything that you put your mind too.
Sense your well-being for the first time, and don't ever lose it. If you have reached your goal successfully, know that you will stay on top. If you are still working towards your goal, know that you will reach it and you will become a success!
All it takes is you, it was always you, you just needed to believe in yourself again.
Know your self worth!
Be wise, Be honest, Be fair. Be you.
You Got This – You always did!