… Note to my younger Self on Setting Life Goals …
Dear Younger self:
Today is the day that you will remember this list and thoughts in your older years. Why, you ask? Because you will have life changing events you will want to avoid as you get older.
Don’t pass up on opportunities that will present themselves to you in a healthy way.
Don’t make decisions strictly because they were easy. Go for the harder choices.
Stay away from sugar and fats and carbohydrates. Trust Me! Your body will Thank you!
Don’t quit playing basketball! Join the team in high school – remember, you LOVE basketball so don’t give it up!
Stay on track with exercising, keep that stomach flat, those arms toned, and your legs fit enough to run a marathon.
Watch how much you eat! Portion control is the key to your success of staying thin.
Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. They will ruin your body and mind.
Stay active as you grow older, move that body, avoid your aches and pains. Don’t let that arthritis creep up on you at an early age! Avoid those knee replacements! Be kind to your knees and hips, and they will support you as you grow old! Lol…
Marry your best friend! He will carry your soul to a very old age.
Be happy, fight for your happiness! Don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way!
Be kind and respectful, and treat others as you would want to be treated.
Lift yourself and others up! Be an inspiration for your peers!
Stay on track with your goals in life. It’s o.k. to have many, and it’s o.k. to have only one. The track you stay on, even to reach just one, will change your life forever!
Don’t look back on mistakes you have made, learn from them, grow from them and don’t repeat them!
If you fall down, get right back up and start again. Don’t let each day pass you by without trying your best at everything you will do.
Keep your loyal friends close. You will have people enter your life who will stay for a moment, for a period and for a life time, so choose wisely!
Use the gifts GOD gave to you in a positive manner! Sing, Dance, Write, Speak and jump for joy at all the beauty in your life and share your talents.
Appreciate the little things and celebrate them as if they were the most important discovery in your life. They will grow into the “Big” things you will need later in your life.
Pass it forward. If someone does something nice for you, do something nice for someone else. The gift will keep giving and you will benefit from the rewards.
Eat your vegetables and fruits! Yes, they are good for you and yes, your body will benefit from them, and yes, they are good! Just eat them!
Set your priorities, don’t fall prey to the same old routines. Think positive and do positive.
Don’t set yourself up for unrealistic goals, do what you know and share what you know.
Don’t be afraid to try new things! New foods, new exercises, new friendships, new careers, new clothes, new shoes, new perfumes, new make-up, new lip gloss… you get the picture…
Pray and pray again, and be thankful for your life, it is the only one you will have.
Encourage yourself and others to live a purposeful life. Give your life purpose and show others that they can too. Reach out for help, and give help when asked.
If you can accomplish just a few of these things listed, you will have led a meaningful, gracious, happy, eventful, healthy and fulfilling life! But remember to just live!
At the end of each and every day, be thankful for what you have, who you have in your life, and what you have made of your life.
But remember, each day is a new beginning, your life is just starting, your joy will continue, you will love, and you will be loved.
Don’t take anything for granted. Life is a gift, so live in the present. Your future is yet untold.
Note to “Older Self”:
… to be continued …
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